Thursday, June 29, 2006

Mail callllllll!!!!!

When I heard the doorbell today, I knew something exciting was about to happen. I opened the door and saw a beautiful red package with my name on it!! YEAH!!! A package from my SP8!! You rock!!
What was included was some wonderful Elisabeth L. silky tweed yarn, cutesy little monkey card, and the Knitting Stitch Bible. One can never have too many books!! It has some great pics of cable stitches that I have been practicing! Thank you
Secret Buddy!!
Summer is really going well so far. I have been busy knitting a sleeveless sweater. It's from the 1st Sn'B book. I'm projecting I'll be done by the end of July. The capelet turned out great. Very cute with jeans. I'll post a photo of that soon.
Anyways, thanks again SP!!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Josh in Quivet

I'm obsessed with Quivet! It's the softiest, most mesmerizing fiber I have ever encountered. During the Spring Knit Expo I was able to take home two skeins of dark green quivet yarn. Happy happy joy joy!!
I was looking inside my stash closet and came across the two skeins tucked away for that special occasion. I am currently working on three different swaeters, but I think once I complete at 1 WIP I'll begin a self indulgent knitted item with the quivet.

Josh's hat was a gift from my parents. It was knitted in Alaska.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Yeah Summer IS here!!

Here is Josh after he went diving in the Monterey Bay. What a beautiful area we live in!

So my new job has been great. I have been working on my knitting to and fro from work. I am almost finished with the Stitch and Bitch Boob tube. I chose a yummy New Zealand wool to keep me warm during my commute this summer into the foggy city. I'll get my act together soon and post some photos of my knittables.
So until next time

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Summer is Coming, Summer is Coming!!

The school year is coming to an end. Josh is counting down the days until he can start sleeping past 7am.
I have started my new job at Burberry. The past two weeks have been awesome. I love my high end luxury job. Cables are shown throughout the New Autum/Fall runway collection!! I need to start practicing my newly acquired cabling skills to sport at work!!
Anyways, this is just a quick update, so I'll write again soon.
Email me!