Thursday I met Bev for lunch!! We had a great time catching up! Her shawl is beautiful. Pictures do not do it justice!!
Thursday I took my Aran knitting class. There were about 8 woman taking the class. What I have discovered while taking classes at the Knit shows, although the class may state intermediate, there will always be beginners enrolled. It seemed that most of the class time was going over simple stitches and correctng mistakes. Since I am a visual learner, my confidence grew as I watched the instructor knit cables and diamonds. I told myself I can totally do that...and I did!
Sunday I went back to the Market to land any yarn deals. I was crunched for time and knew I wanted to check out spindles. Carlina Homespun was very nice and actual gave me a beginner lesson! I was so elated!! It seems that I'm a natural! I left with lots of roving, a new spindle and JudithMacKenzie McCuin new book on spinning!! Oh Joy!!