Saturday, August 27, 2005

Proto Knits

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Clogs, Clogs and More Clogs!! all my frantic knitting has paid off!! I finally felted the clogs I will be giving as gifts. They are all so cute. I am so thrilled at how they all turned out. I used Lambs Pride bulky on some pair and Knit Picks, Wool of the Andes on the blue/green pair. Both types of wool worked great. I doubled up on the Knit Picks wool to get the right gauge. I have posted some pics. I would love to hear what ya'll think!!

Merry Xmas!!!
Amo Claus

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

August is here...summer coming to an end, Xmas on its way!!

So I finally broke down and bought a ball winder at the Crochet and Knitting Guild Convention in Oakland last month. Up to that point I have always wound my hanks of yarn the old fashioned way. Around the back of a chair while I watch one of my current favorite movies such as Napoleon Dynamite or Old School--uncensored.
I tried to locate a 'deal' on eBay for a ball winder(no success) and read lots of forums on swifts and ball winders that all helped me on my quest.

I bought my winder from Village Spinning and Weaving, who had a booth at the convention. They are located in Solvang CA. They have awesome yarn for felting and are nice people too. I had visited their shop in April and stocked up on Lambs Pride Bulky for my holiday gift of choice this year. I decided I wanted to make everyone in my family felted clogs.
So back to he ball winder, I can't believe what a dream it is! It winds hanks of yarn into the most beautiful ball of yarn!! I LOVE IT!! I'll never be without it again!

And as for the felted clogs, I am using Beverly Galeskas pattern. It is pretty easy. So far, I have knitted 4 pairs of clogs, in 1 week. I commute to work on BART so that gives me some knitting time. I'm planning on felting them all over my vacation in a couple weeks. I'll post pics before and after.
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